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Monday, November 22, 2010

I know talking about or sharing your life's experiences with addictions etc are frowned upon, but maybe sharing a bit about my life might just help someone else out there.....

addiction |əˈdik sh ən|nounthe fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, activity (or even a person.)
Yes like most people mine also stared because of High School, and the cruelty from kids. Definitely not a partmy life I'm particularly proud of, but it made me the person I am today.
For 3 years I struggled with Anorexia, 
anorexia |ˌanəˈreksēə|nounlack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).• (also anorexia nervosa |nərˈvōsə|an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat;compare with bulimia .
making sure to have meals in a spot where you can (like in my case) scrape it into the dogs bowls and sneak it out without anyone seeing it. For years I got away with it but people started to notice. I lost almost 40 Kg = 88 lbs in just over a week, people where sure to see that. The worst thing a person can do to someone with Anorexia is to force them to eat. That's exactly what happened, so anorexia turned into Bulimia.
bulimia |boŏˈlimēə; ˈlē-|nouninsatiable overeating as a medical condition, in particular• (also bulimia nervosa |nərˈvōsə|an emotional disorderinvolving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purgingor fastingAlso called binge-purge syndrome 

This was way worse than anorexia. Making myself sick even after just having a bit from something or one m&m. It also lasted longer with worse side effects where more severe 

Signs and symptoms

These cycles often involve rapid and out-of-control eating, which may stop when the bulimic is interrupted by another person or the stomach hurts from overextension, followed by self-induced vomiting or other forms of purging. This cycle may be repeated several times a week or, in more serious cases, several times a day,[6] and may directly cause:
The frequent contact between teeth and gastric acid, in particular, may cause:

 It can even cause the stomach to rupture.
Dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, and low blood pressure can lead to kidney problems and damage.  Liver damage may also occur.
Bulimia causes dehydration, anemia, and low levels of sodium, potassium, and magnesium in the body.  It causes hypotension (low blood pressure) and a slow or irregular heartbeat.  Over time, it weakens the heart muscle and can lead to heart failure.

And fixing the heart muscles isn't as easy as people might make it out to be. It's been just over 6 years, still a daily struggle and still a weak heart with symptoms similar to having a heart attack, but getting over it day by day. Like any addiction.

After a couple of years of this, family and friends started watching me, not allowing me to leave the table for at least half an hour after a meal, which was the window period to get all out.... so the next step was sliming mixtures.

And I found one that worked for me, no appetite, so no eating and no need to go and hurl. 

Hunger cravings are reduced as the active chemical ingredient effects the parts of the central nervous system.  The active ingredient in in these mixtures are Phentermine.  Phentermine is chemically similar to Amphetamine and increased energy levels are common.

It should be taken once daily, either before breakfast or within 2 hours of eating breakfast.  It is advised to take these mixtures and or pills early in the day as it may cause insomnia due to increased energy levels.

Warning: This can be addictive and should NOT be taken without first consulting a doctor!
The info and warnings didn't phase me at all!
I over did it on the dosage, it stared with 3 tablespoons per day, which was 2 spoons more than prescribed, this turned into 500ml per day and went to a liter of sliming mixture a day and adding a box of 30 slimming pills to this mix. With no sleep for months I started hallucinating, monster spiders running around in the room I was renting at the commune. That was the weirdest night ever with the craziest stuff I've ever seen, it was also the day I realized ..... THIS IS BAD! In between these addictions, alcohol became a big part of my life, mixing the slimming stuff and alcohol was seriously insane, and just like I couldn't go a day without the slimming stuff, the same happened with alcohol. 
This also resulted in me and my mom not seeing eye to eye anymore and we didn't speak for a year....
I also started self-mutilation (NEVER EVER TRY THIS -if you haven't then keep it like that)
self-mutilationnounthe mutilation of oneself, esp. as a symptom of mental or emotionaldisturbance.
Luckily I had amazing friends, one gave me the option..... either the stuff I'm doing now and loose all your friends....... OR give up this stuff and keep the people that love you.
It's been about 6 years now ~ like I said it's still a daily struggle 


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